New Low Carbon Hub in Angus
Did you know? Angus Council are developing a Low Carbon Hub at Orchardbank, Forfar
Supporting electric fleet charging for businesses and visitors to the area, Angus Council’s Angus on the Go project aims to develop a Low Carbon Transport electric vehicle charging hub at Orchardbank in Forfar. It will be located adjacent to the A90 corridor, the main north-south route through eastern Scotland, and provide a “service centre” type solution where people stop for a quick charge. The hub will consist of 28 new spaces with 9 charging points including 4 rapid units, 3 fast and 2 slow.
The project also intends to generate energy to support the charging points from installing solar canopies. The project has received funding from Transport Scotland’s Low Carbon Travel and Transport (LCTT) Challenge Fund, a capital fund that aims to facilitate the delivery of active travel and low carbon hubs and paths. Awards for Round 2 funding were announced on 8 August 2018 by the Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity, Michael Matheson.
Find out more about the project and LCTT at:
energysavingtrust low-carbon-travel-and-transport-challenge-fund