
Angus Period Positive Campaign Launch

The Angus Period Positive Campaign is about making products accessible to all, while removing the stigma associated with periods and menstrual health.

In Angus we believe that it’s okay to talk about periods, and the increased engagement around this has improved local people’s quality of life and created peer support networks.

As well as being part of a wider community helping to Eradicate Period Poverty in Angus by 2021, this is free support for you and your employees.

To support you as a Period Positive Employer we will:

  • Provide you with a box of period products to put in your toilets
  • Provide you with a poster to display with the products which highlights key information and contacts for support
  • Provide you with a Period Positive sticker for your premises window and digital logos for you to use on your social media channels
  • Promote sessions for your staff who may be experiencing menstrual and menopause challenges
  • Promote the period positive employers on the Community Planning and Free Period Angus social media channels

For more information or to sign up contact

View the Free Period Angus facebook page.

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