
ANGUSalive Annual Report

As a not-for-profit organisation every penny is reinvested back into the services we deliver in our country parks, libraries, museums, galleries, archive, sports centres, theatre and venues.

In our first full year of operation the team have worked hard to further our charitable objectives as the culture, sport and leisure trust for the people of Angus. The expertise and dedication of our employees continues to be central to the achievements of our charity as we continue to deliver our vision of ‘changing lives by inspiring healthy, active and creative lifestyle choices’.

The report is structured around our nine Strategic Aims to highlight some of ANGUSalive’s key achievements and developments during 2016/17, introducing the breadth of our services and shining the spotlight on some of our culture, sport and leisure services through a selection of case studies.

It also provides a summary of our audited annual accounts, lodged with Companies House and the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR), then concludes with some of our partners and a welcome from the Dundee & Angus Chamber of Commerce.
Some of our key highlights last year included:

•Celebrating our first birthday with a planting of specially selected trees in Monikie Country Park

• Celebrating the 21st anniversary of the Angus Sports Awards – with over 80 nominees received and 200 guests attending the evening ceremony

• Championing collaborative working across our teams and adopting digital working

• Uncovering a hidden masterpiece in our Dr Mead painting

• Ensuring our green credentials by taking delivery of ‘Sparky’ our electric car

• Opening our second community campus in Forfar, providing more bookable space, onsite swimming lessons and expanded timetables

• Finding new ways to create investment opportunities by rolling out donation boxes across our venues

• Continuing to deliver and develop our outreach volunteer programme, including in our country parks through the John Muir Trust

• Welcoming the National Museum of Scotland Exhibition ‘Fossil Hunters’ to Montrose Museum

• Launching our Dementia Memory Boxes to help people living with dementia and their carers share memories

• Working with international athlete Eilish McColgan to deliver a Masterclass session to secondary pupils at Brechin High School

• Welcoming over 8,000 people across Angus to our Sinbad panto at the Webster Theatre

• Establishing a communications strategy to help us communicate better with internal and external groups

• Programming employee drop-in sessions and leadership updates to help drive the culture of ANGUSalive as we shape our future

It has been a very busy year and I thank all of our team for their vital contributions to making it a successful one for ANGUSalive. Their continued commitment has been essential in
providing services which play such an important role in the lives of our customers across all areas of the business.

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