
Appetite For Angus

Appetite For Angus is the new Food and Drink Network for the county, made up of people from the industry with a collective passion for all things ‘Angus Food & Drink’.

We aim to work together to inform, celebrate and promote Angus Food & Drink focusing on the produce and the individual and collective experience we have.  We will do this as widely as we can with an initial focus on local and regional audiences without limiting our ambition to put Angus on the national and international food map.  Our goal is to add value and growth for everyone in the network.

Appetite for Angus is being set up by the Industry for the Industry, and it will use the structure and resources of the Angus Tourism Co-operative to give it a head start, because Food and Drink are an absolutely vital component of the Tourism industry.

Anyone with a commercial interest in food and drink in Angus is welcome to join the new network, and future initiatives will include opportunities for collaboration, training and education, as well as networking and innovation.

Appetite for Angus will tell the Angus Food & Drink Story.  It has a presence on several social media platforms and a collective passion to develop the network and make a real difference on behalf of our members.

The public facing group is @appetiteforangus and is open for anyone to like, follow and interact.

The private group is called Appetite for Angus – The Angus Food & Drink Network and this is for professionals/industry people to join so that we can share ideas, events and help each other etc.


Our handle is@appetiteforangus.


We have set up a group on LinkedIn called Appetite for Angus – The Angus Food & Drink Network.


Our handle is @appetite4angus.


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