Online Sales: Improve, develop & make more money

What’s the best way to sell your products online? The key to improving your online business is measuring its effectiveness - you can then take steps to optimise its performance. Should you be using your own eCommerce store or Amazon, neither or both? This webinar will help you decide. We will cover: Factors to consider […]

An Introduction to Business Modelling

Most of us have started writing a business plan. Far fewer of us have ever completed one and if you have, it’s likely it was out of day extremely quickly. What you need is a tool that allows you to iterate and adapt as your plans change. For this 60 minute Zoom session, join me […]

How to start a business: The basics

Whatever your reasons may be for considering being your own boss, Business Gateway is here to support you and help you decide if this is the right path for you. Helping you consider your plans from exploring your potential customers to looking at the key activities and costs involved. We will cover: Personal finance planning […]

Business Finance Viability

Led by experienced advisers, this workshop takes the fear out of finances, providing practical tools and guidance to help you confidently manage your business's budgeting and forecasting. You'll learn how to identify the hidden costs of running your business, including the cost of hiring staff, maintaining stock levels, and other crucial expenses. Through a series […]

Build a customer focused business

Did you know that a returning customer will typically spend more than two thirds more with your business than a brand new one? Did you know that retaining just 5% of your customer base can give an increase of over 20% in profits for your business? Having an effective strategy in place for your business […]

The low-cost guide to marketing your business

When budgets are tight, it can be difficult to find the funds for marketing. This webinar will offer marketing tips and advice that you can then use across your business - without bursting the bank! We will look at: How marketing extends way beyond what most businesses consider it to be and how it provides […]

Hydrogen in Scotland

In this webinar, the authors of Scottish Enterprise's recently published Green Hydrogen Production Site Identification and Opportunities report will discuss their key findings, and their implications for your business and the wider Scottish hydrogen economy.

Google Analytics – Understand how your website performs

Google Analytics (Universal and GA4) is a powerful tool that helps you understand how your website is performing. It helps answer lots of questions, including: Which marketing channels drive traffic to your site? What pages are users looking at the most? What impact does mobile have on your potential customers? During this webinar, we’ll help […]

e-Commerce with Shopify

Shopify is a powerful all-in-one e-Commerce website builder that makes setting up an online store simple and straightforward. In this webinar, we will explore Shopify’s features and pull together the building blocks for your first e-Commerce website. By the end of this webinar, you will be able to: Understand the essential features that a website […]

How to write and develop your business plan

New and established businesses will require a business plan for getting a loan, grant or just to consider the direction they wish to go in. This webinar will teach you what you need to include and how. We will walk you through what should be included within a business plan, how a business plan is […]

Kickstart your Marketing

The workshop will cover the basic principles of marketing, including target audience identification, competitor analysis, value proposition, and the development of marketing strategies. The workshop will also explore the importance of measuring the success of marketing strategies and how adhering to good business practice can positively influence Customer Generated Content. Overall, this workshop is ideal […]

Build an effective strategy to grow your business

This webinar is practical, outcome driven, and designed to fit with the needs of small businesses in both B2C and B2B environments. It will help you develop a strategically led approach that can turbo charge business growth, identify the core growth strategy(ies) that are right for your business, and develop an action plan. We will […]

The business benefits of running a sustainable business

It’s becoming increasingly important to customers to source their products from companies who have strong green credentials. This webinar will show how by becoming more sustainable you can increase sales and profits. We will look at: Understanding the problem What is sustainability and why it is important Innovation Profiting from being a green business Embracing […]

Developing Your Start Up Action Plan

This online workshop will give you the information needed to build a start up action plan. The plan will enable you to consider which actions are relevant to your plan, start building a set of SMART Goals, give thought to business skills development and provide a clear path for steps to launch your business. You will also learn about […]

Blogging for business

This webinar will provide you with the knowledge and understanding you need to create a blog that promotes your business. We will cover: What a 'blog' is, how to set one up and what it takes to make them work Other small and medium sized businesses who already blog successfully and what you can learn […]

Tay Cities Enterprise Forum

Michelin Innovation Parc Baldovie Road, Dundee

The Tay Cities Enterprise Forum is working with the Tay Cities Clean Growth team to support their work as hosts of a community for professionals who contribute in solving the challenges of a better, cleaner future. Our event will help identify opportunities to get involved in existing Clean Growth projects, submit, discuss and develop your […]

Video production for social media

Video captures people's attention online and is important for getting your message across, while engaging with your target audience. Learn how to: Choose what type of video to create to suit your business objectives Plan, shoot, edit, and upload video without special kit or expertise. Get to know the various digital platforms that can be […]

Facebook for business

Get to grips with Facebook – the world’s most popular social networking platform. In this webinar you will: Learn how to get the most out of Facebook and how it could fit into your business’s digital marketing strategy. Better understand the algorithm behind Facebook, and how to create great content that achieves a bigger reach […]

How to protect and manage your intellectual property

You have invested time, energy, and money into your project, however, have you protected the innovation? Following this webinar, you will understand how to manage your intellectual property (IP) or how to start the process of registering it. Topics covered include: What are intellectual assets (IA)? What is intellectual property (IP)? How to use IP […]

Instagram for business

Thinking about using Instagram to communicate with existing and potential customers? Want to showcase your products or services using it? During this webinar we will cover: Getting the setup right and benefitting from the available business tools. Best practice profiles, and some strategies to help your business stand out from the crowd. The types of […]