Providing Work Experience in Angus to Young People

Are you an employer in Angus looking to offer work experience to young people in your local community but not sure what is involved or the next steps, well this event is for you! DYW Tay Cities and the Angus Skills for Work Coordinator, David Millar, are partnering together to host two online information sessions […]

The low-cost guide to marketing your business

When budgets are tight, it can be difficult to find the funds for marketing. This webinar will offer marketing tips and advice that you can then use across your business - without bursting the bank! We will look at: How marketing extends way beyond what most businesses consider it to be and how it provides […]

How to generate and increase sales

Sales are the lifeblood of every business. This webinar focuses on a pragmatic approach to sales strategy and delivery and is designed to fit with the needs of small businesses in both B2C and B2B environments. We will cover: Why a clear understanding of what an ideal customer looks like, and a good understanding of […]

The essentials of bookkeeping and what expenses you can claim

This webinar is for those who are entering business for the first time or require an understanding of what is involved in financially managing a business, including basic bookkeeping, and creating a profit and loss account. You will also get an understanding of what expenses the business can claim and then how to fund your […]

Online Sales: Improve, develop & make more money

What’s the best way to sell your products online? The key to improving your online business is measuring its effectiveness - you can then take steps to optimise its performance. Should you be using your own eCommerce store or Amazon, neither or both? This webinar will help you decide. We will cover: Factors to consider […]

Data Skills Bootcamp for Women Returners

Are you curious about acquiring data skills but unsure of where to begin? In the 21st Century, data skills have become as essential as reading and writing were in the 20th Century. With data skills being in demand across almost every job sector, from healthcare to astronomy, Scotland is in need of more people with […]

How to improve your Google search rankings – Part 1: On page optimisation

The first of 2 webinars designed specifically to help get your business website higher up the search engine rankings, increasing visibility, web traffic, and sales. Join us to look at how Google and other search engines decide the order in which they list their search results. We will show you how to maximise your chances […]

How to build a digital marketing plan

This webinar will guide you through the steps needed to create an effective digital marketing strategy, ensuring you focus on the right tactics to meet your business objectives and goals. We will cover: The importance of planning your digital marketing activities Building your plan around a simple framework Conducting a situational analysis (and understanding Customers […]

Parents Go Network

The Montrose Playhouse The Mall, Montrose

It can often be a lonely experience being self-employed, especially if you have young kids. The Business Gateway team are delighted to be hosting a Parents Go Network session where self-employed parents can connect with others in the same situation, grow their network and meet like-minded people, all whilst the children are entertained. This interactive […]

Innovation Funding: Heating & Cooling, Built Environment and Geothermal

Join the Scottish European Green Energy Centre (SEGEC), Scottish Enterprise Innovation Collaboration and Funding Team and Innovate UK to discover the latest innovation funding opportunities for heating and cooling, built environment and geothermal projects. This webinar will provide an overview of current and future opportunities in these areas, ranging from grants and support designed for […]

Shaping the future of tourism in Angus

Forbes of Kingennie

Join us at Forbes of Kingennie Country Resort on Wednesday 23 August 2023, where we will be reviewing what has been delivered through the Angus Tourism Framework over the last year, and looking at current challenges and priorities to help shape action plans for the year ahead. This workshop is open to anyone connected to […]

Community Development Programme of Support – Good Governance

Angus Council Vibrant Communities, in collaboration with Angus Rural Partnership, have commissioned a programme of events for community groups and organisations. The new programme of workshops will help local groups and organisations: successfully form a sustainable group plan their projects apply for funding deliver their aspirations Workshop One: Developing a sustainable organisation that can secure funding […]

Providing Work Experience in Angus to Young People

Are you an employer in Angus looking to offer work experience to young people in your local community but not sure what is involved or the next steps, well this event is for you! DYW Tay Cities and the Angus Skills for Work Coordinator, David Millar, are partnering together to host two online information sessions […]

Continuous Improvement Activity Workshop

V&A Museum 3 Greenmarket, Dundee

Improve productivity in your business to reduce production costs and become a more competitive business. You can add value through lean techniques which will lead to improved quality, cost and delivery performance, and more capacity. This interactive event will simulate how businesses are run. It highlights some of the daily challenges that we all experience […]

How to start a business: The basics

Whatever your reasons may be for considering being your own boss, Business Gateway is here to support you and help you decide if this is the right path for you. Helping you consider your plans from exploring your potential customers to looking at the key activities and costs involved. We will cover: Personal finance planning […]

Developing your Start-Up Action Plan

This webinar will give you the information needed to build a start up action plan. The plan will enable you to consider which actions are relevant to your plan, start building a set of SMART Goals, give thought to business skills development and provide a clear path for steps to launch your business. You will also learn about […]

Email marketing for business

Connecting with your audience through effective email marketing campaigns is a great way to improve your marketing strategy and boost sales. In this webinar, we’ll explore what makes an email campaign effective and ensure you are able to: Segment your audiences and target them effectively Create a quality marketing email and measure its effectiveness Identify […]

Build your brand and promotional graphics

This webinar will define what a brand is (and is not) and explain how it is more than just creating a logo. We will explore how a business can use their brand to show its identity, purpose, personality, message, and values in order to stand out from competitors, build a loyal customer base and make […]

Shopify Success: Empowering E-Commerce Excellence

Forbes of Kingennie

Whether you're in the process of establishing your online business, evaluating your current content management system, or already a part of the Shopify community, our event is tailor-made for you. Get ready to engage with live insights from the renowned experts at Shopify, TrustPilot, Segmentify, and DLR Media. Our objective is to empower you to […]

Photography for online business

During this webinar you will: Discover the basic ‘dos and don’ts’ of taking your own pictures, editing them and uploading them onto digital platforms. See some real-life examples of posts that demonstrate good, bad and indifferent use for businesses.