Cloud essentials for business

Business owners and managers are busy. You're wearing many hats, and your time is always in short supply. Cloud-based digital tools help you to run a more productive business by embracing the right digital processes. We'll focus on exploring a range of tools on the market which will help you to enhance your customer service […]

How to start a business: The basics

Whatever your reasons may be for considering being your own boss, Business Gateway is here to support you and help you decide if this is the right path for you. Helping you consider your plans from exploring your potential customers to looking at the key activities and costs involved. We will cover: Personal finance planning […]

Digital tools to help run your business remotely

Are you ready to ‘go live’ and engage your audience with a live stream? What about running webinars or working remotely with clients or collaborators on the other side of the world? Let us guide you through: How to use video live streaming, webinars and remote collaboration tools to get results for your business Equipment […]

Keep your business safe online

Join us to find out how criminals are targeting small businesses online, the risks you face, and what you can do to minimise your exposure to online crime. This webinar includes a number of live demos, covering the following areas: What are the main online threats to your business? The 5 pillars of prevention (Backup, […]

Twitter for business

This webinar will help you develop and hone your social media strategy in order to amplify your message using Twitter. You will gain a deeper understanding of where Twitter fits into your overall plan, and how it differs from other platforms. You will also learn about: What makes a good Twitter profile (and the options […]

The essentials of bookkeeping and what expenses you can claim

This webinar is for those who are entering business for the first time or require an understanding of what is involved in financially managing a business, including basic bookkeeping, and creating a profit and loss account. You will also get an understanding of what expenses the business can claim and then how to fund your […]

An Introduction to Self-Employment and Starting your own Business

The workshop will provide you with the opportunity to network with other business owners and will also highlight useful sources of information, advice and guidance. There will also be information on additional services from Business Gateway and details of other webinars which may be appropriate for you. This webinar is for businesses based in Dundee, Angus and […]

Producing engaging online content

Producing quality content is an excellent way of helping your customers develop a meaningful relationship with your brand, services and products. In this webinar we will show you how to source and develop a variety of content for your website and social channels. Ideal for businesses that already have a business website or use social […]

HR 1-2-1 Surgery Sessions

With an academic background in business law & HR management, Skye is the perfect resource to offer confidential, impartial advice for businesses of all sizes and sectors. Whether you’re looking to hire your first employee, looking to review your workplace policies or dealing with complex employee issues – no challenge is too big or too […]

Pinterest for business

A commonly used tool for those researching products and services for personal life (clothing ideas, holidays inspiration, cooking alternatives!), but how can it benefit your business? Move from being a beginner to knowing enough to gain commercial benefit from the use of Pinterest. During this webinar we’ll help you better understand: Who is using Pinterest […]

Facebook for business

Get to grips with Facebook – the world’s most popular social networking platform. In this webinar you will: Learn how to get the most out of Facebook and how it could fit into your business’s digital marketing strategy. Better understand the algorithm behind Facebook, and how to create great content that achieves a bigger reach […]

How to protect and manage your intellectual property

You have invested time, energy, and money into your project, however, have you protected the innovation? Following this webinar, you will understand how to manage your intellectual property (IP) or how to start the process of registering it. Topics covered include: What are intellectual assets (IA)? What is intellectual property (IP)? How to use IP […]

Build your brand and promotional graphics

This webinar will define what a brand is (and is not) and explain how it is more than just creating a logo. We will explore how a business can use their brand to show its identity, purpose, personality, message, and values in order to stand out from competitors, build a loyal customer base and make […]

e-Commerce with Shopify

Shopify is a powerful all-in-one e-Commerce website builder that makes setting up an online store simple and straightforward. In this webinar, we will explore Shopify’s features and pull together the building blocks for your first e-Commerce website. By the end of this webinar, you will be able to: Understand the essential features that a website […]

TikTok and Instagram Reels for business

You might view TikTok as a stream of dance trends and lip-synching videos, but it can also be a fantastic place to engage with your customers and increase the reach of your business online. Explore how to create bitesize vertical video content and how to use this new format for more effective business communication. We […]

The business benefits of running a sustainable business

It’s becoming increasingly important to customers to source their products from companies who have strong green credentials. This webinar will show how by becoming more sustainable you can increase sales and profits. We will look at: Understanding the problem What is sustainability and why it is important Innovation Profiting from being a green business Embracing […]

How to write and develop your business plan

New and established businesses will require a business plan for getting a loan, grant or just to consider the direction they wish to go in. This webinar will teach you what you need to include and how. We will walk you through what should be included within a business plan, how a business plan is […]

Website User Experience – Is your website fit for purpose

Websites should look good and function well, and give your website visitors and customers a positive user experience. During this webinar, we’ll look at User Experience (UX) and how you can improve it on your website, including: Understand what User Experience is A look at some of the key factors, including credibility, value, purpose and […]

Build a customer focused business

Did you know that a returning customer will typically spend more than two thirds more with your business than a brand new one? Did you know that retaining just 5% of your customer base can give an increase of over 20% in profits for your business? Having an effective strategy in place for your business […]

Finance 1-2-1 Surgery Sessions

Take this opportunity to discuss your finance queries with our finance specialist, Scott Geddes. Gain clarity on the start-up and running costs for your business or discuss how to make your business profitable and financially viable. Brush up on some financial basics by learning how to create a cash-flow forecast and better understand your business's […]