Sourcing Scotland

Perth Concert Hall Mill Street, Perth

What is Sourcing Scotland? Sourcing Scotland is a national event designed to grow sales of Scottish produce by bringing together buyers and suppliers from across Scotland to do business across the retail, wholesale, hospitality, and independent sectors. If you're looking to grow your business beyond your local area, then come along and meet the people […]

Angus Community Development Conference

Reid Hall Castle Street, Forfar

The first Angus Community Development Conference will take place on Wednesday 25 October at the Reid Hall, Forfar. This is a free event is open to all community groups and organisations within Angus to share, learn and network with other delegates. A range of speakers will showcase exemplar ideas, highlight support and funding guidance and […]

Deep dive into the EOT

How does the EOT work in practice? Attend this webinar for an overview of the tax implications of the EOT. Since its introduction in 2014, the Employee Ownership Trust (EOT) has proved to be a feasible exit option for many business owners. It’s a flexible option, and by making the right choices, you can meet […]

Google Analytics – Understand how your website performs

Google Analytics (Universal and GA4) is a powerful tool that helps you understand how your website is performing. It helps answer lots of questions, including: Which marketing channels drive traffic to your site? What pages are users looking at the most? What impact does mobile have on your potential customers? During this webinar, we’ll help […]

ChatGPT Uncovered

Many business owners across Scotland feel hesitant towards the chatbot, grappling with apprehensions related to trust in technology, teamed with a variety of ethical matters to consider. Business Gateway wants to address these concerns and inspire Scottish business owners to explore the limitless potential of ChatGPT and how it can be harnessed for small business […]

How to build a digital marketing plan

This webinar will guide you through the steps needed to create an effective digital marketing strategy, ensuring you focus on the right tactics to meet your business objectives and goals. We will cover: The importance of planning your digital marketing activities Building your plan around a simple framework Conducting a situational analysis (and understanding Customers […]

Planning & scheduling your online content

Businesses who plan their content in advance, aligning their channels with actual business objectives, customer themes and national events, and then schedule it to ensure it reaches the target market at the right time, on the right platform - hugely increase the chances of achieving impact. In this webinar, you will learn how to: Plan […]

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) for tourism businesses – Part 2

Join the second of two 90-minute webinars designed to tell you how to improve the search engine results rankings of your tourism business. In part 1, we saw how search engines work and how to find out what people are searching for. In part 2, we’ll look at the many factors that influence how far […]

TikTok and Instagram Reels for business

You might view TikTok as a stream of dance trends and lip-synching videos, but it can also be a fantastic place to engage with your customers and increase the reach of your business online. Explore how to create bitesize vertical video content and how to use this new format for more effective business communication. We […]

A Guide to Completing your Self-Assessment Tax Return with EQ Chartered Accountants

If you are newly self-employed and are required to submit a self-assessment return for the first time or want to better understand the basics of completing your Self-Assessment Tax Return then this workshop is for you. The session will cover the key dates, the basics about allowable expenses and record keeping, as well as how […]

The low-cost guide to marketing your business

When budgets are tight, it can be difficult to find the funds for marketing. This webinar will offer marketing tips and advice that you can then use across your business - without bursting the bank! We will look at: How marketing extends way beyond what most businesses consider it to be and how it provides […]

An introduction to business websites & what you need to consider

This webinar will take you through all the steps required to design, build and host a business website. You will learn about: The need to determine website objectives The importance of knowing who your audience is and measuring results Setting clear calls to action and creating engaging content Creating your brand’s visual identity online, your […]

HR – Recruiting, managing, and retaining staff

One of the scariest things you can do as a business is take on staff – from hiring, interviewing, payroll, pensions, contracts, remote working and more, it is a minefield for the business owner. This webinar will allow you to have the key information in your possession to take on staff and manage your team. […]

The essentials of bookkeeping and what expenses you can claim

This webinar is for those who are entering business for the first time or require an understanding of what is involved in financially managing a business, including basic bookkeeping, and creating a profit and loss account. You will also get an understanding of what expenses the business can claim and then how to fund your […]

Scottish Tourism Alliance Autumn Conference

Edinburgh International Conference Centre 150 Morrison Street, Edinburgh

The Scottish Tourism Alliance’s Autumn Conference will bring together leading voices and experts from a broad range of sectors for a day packed with speaker presentations, panel sessions and plenty of opportunities to catch up with colleagues and create new connections. The programme has been designed to support and empower the tourism and hospitality industry, […]

Blogging for business

This webinar will provide you with the knowledge and understanding you need to create a blog that promotes your business. We will cover: What a 'blog' is, how to set one up and what it takes to make them work Other small and medium sized businesses who already blog successfully and what you can learn […]

LinkedIn for business

No longer just an online CV, LinkedIn can be an incredibly powerful - and profitable - business tool. Like any tool, you must learn how to use it, and this webinar gives you expert guidance. You will: Learn how to create a LinkedIn strategy to boost your business reputation via marketing and brand promotion initiatives. […]

Producing engaging online content

Producing quality content is an excellent way of helping your customers develop a meaningful relationship with your brand, services and products. In this webinar we will show you how to source and develop a variety of content for your website and social channels. Ideal for businesses that already have a business website or use social […]

Build an effective strategy to grow your business

This webinar is practical, outcome driven, and designed to fit with the needs of small businesses in both B2C and B2B environments. It will help you develop a strategically led approach that can turbo charge business growth, identify the core growth strategy(ies) that are right for your business, and develop an action plan. We will […]

The Basics of Starting a Business

This webinar will give you the information needed to build a start up action plan. The plan will enable you to consider which actions are relevant to your plan, start building a set of SMART Goals, give thought to business skills development and provide a clear path for steps to launch your business. You will also learn about […]