Bookkeeping essentials

This webinar is for those who are entering business for the first time or require an understanding of what is involved in financially managing a business, including basic bookkeeping, and creating a profit and loss account. You will also get an understanding of what expenses the business can claim and then how to fund your […]

ChatGPT and how it can help your social media

In the ever-evolving world of social media, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success. The upcoming webinar "chatGPT and how it can help your social media" offers an exciting opportunity to explore how artificial intelligence, specifically chatGPT, can revolutionise your approach to social media management. You will learn: how chatGPT can help you […]

Cashflow management for your small business

This webinar has been designed for small business owners, in order to help them with their short-term cash preservation and cashflow, as well as helping to prepare your business for the future. You'll learn about managing your short-term cashflow and preparing your business for the future, with effective cashflow forecasting and planning to put your […]

An introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) for small businesses

You’ve heard of Artificial Intelligence, but do you know how it can help you as you run your business? This practical webinar will explore how AI can help improve your business marketing to be more efficient and cost-effective, through the automatic creation of content for all your digital platforms; as well as helping you better […]

The Basics of Starting a Business

This webinar will give you the information needed to build a start up action plan. The plan will enable you to consider which actions are relevant to your plan, start building a set of SMART Goals, give thought to business skills development and provide a clear path for steps to launch your business. You will also learn about […]

Video production for digital marketing

Video captures people's attention online and is important for getting your message across, while engaging with your target audience. Learn how to: Choose what type of video to create to suit your business objectives Plan, shoot, edit, and upload video without special kit or expertise Get to know the various digital platforms that can be […]

Boost your productivity with AI

This Google Digital Garage session introduces learners to cutting-edge AI tools that are already available from Google and others, to show some of the smartest ways digital-age workers can use them to save time at work and on tasks. In this session, you will learn: an introduction to generative AI and how it works how […]

A step-by-step guide to building your business plan

New and established businesses will require a business plan for getting a loan, grant or just to consider the direction they wish to go in. This webinar will teach you what you need to include and how. We will walk you through what should be included within a business plan, how a business plan is […]

Social media strategy

A social media strategy can help you measure the success of your online posts. Join this session to learn about how you can build a social media strategy into your business plan. In this session you will learn: how social media can help you reach new customers online the building blocks of a simple social […]

How to generate and increase sales

Sales are the lifeblood of every business. This webinar focuses on a pragmatic approach to sales strategy and delivery and is designed to fit with the needs of small businesses in both B2C and B2B environments. We will cover: Why a clear understanding of what an ideal customer looks like, and a good understanding of […]

How to improve your Google search rankings – Part 1: On page optimisation

Join us to look at how Google and other search engines decide the order in which they list their search results. We will show you how to maximise your chances of appearing towards the top of the search rankings, ensuring you understand what key words and phrases your potential customers are using when searching online, […]

Why your business needs a blog

This webinar will provide you with the knowledge and understanding you need to create a blog that promotes your business. We will cover: What a 'blog' is, how to set one up and what it takes to make them work Other small and medium sized businesses who already blog successfully and what you can learn […]

Website development for your small business

This webinar is suitable for business owners who are thinking about getting a website, or those who have just started to put one together. Divided over three sessions, it will look at the principles and practices of developing a website for your business. Topics covered include: audience demographics website domains website structure keywords GDPR analytics […]

Become a CPD-certified Green Champion

Rising energy costs, the climate emergency and increasing consumer pressure continue to impact businesses and challenge the way they manage their environmental performance. The good news is Business Energy Scotland’s Green Champions training course has already helped over 4,000 professionals from organisations across Scotland to prepare for this challenge. And this is your chance to […]

Business Finance Viability

Led by experienced advisers, this webinar takes the fear out of finances, providing practical tools and guidance to help you confidently manage your business's budgeting and forecasting. You'll learn how to identify the hidden costs of running your business, including the cost of hiring staff, maintaining stock levels, and other crucial expenses. Through a series […]

Engaging in Lean

Scottish Enterprise Glasgow 50 Waterloo Street, Glasgow

The Scottish Manufacturing Advisory Service (SMAS) is pleased to invite you to this exercise-based workshop. Through the workshop, you’ll discover the easiest way to engage with your people to start to make improvements to the way work is done, and how these fits within the wider philosophy of lean. With simulation, we’ll detail the tools […]

Manufacturing Property Challenge Programme Online Information Event

The Manufacturing Property Challenge Programme provides grant support for the development of speculative new or refurbished mid-sized industrial accommodation suitable for manufacturers in Scotland. Industrial property developers should attend this event to understand how to apply to this competitive call.

Build your business brand online

A tailored online presence can help attract new opportunities online, whether it’s a shot at a new role or new customers for your business. If you’re considering how to present yourself or your small business online, join this session to learn about branding and ways to build your online profile. In this session you will […]

Social media essentials: TikTok and Instagram Reels

TikTok and Instagram Reels aren’t just for dance trends and lip-synching videos, they can also be a fantastic opportunity to engage with your customers and increase the reach of your business online. Learn how to create bitesize video content for more effective business communication on two of the most popular social platforms. We will cover: […]

Bookkeeping essentials

This webinar is for those who are entering business for the first time or require an understanding of what is involved in financially managing a business, including basic bookkeeping, and creating a profit and loss account. You will also get an understanding of what expenses the business can claim and then how to fund your […]