Keep your business safe online

Join us to find out how criminals are targeting small businesses online, the risks you face, and what you can do to minimise your exposure to online crime. This webinar includes a number of live demos, covering the following areas: What are the main online threats to your business? The 5 pillars of prevention (Backup, […]

An update on right to work checks

Covid-19 right to work measures are ending on 30 September 2022. In this webinar, TalentScotland will look at how employers in Scotland can continue to perform right to work checks after this date. This webinar is presented by Brodies LLP, TalentScotland’s immigration specialists, and you'll have the opportunity to have any questions you might have.

TikTok and Instagram Reels for business

You might view TikTok as a stream of dance trends and lip-synching videos, but it can also be a fantastic place to engage with your customers and increase the reach of your business online. Explore how to create bitesize vertical video content and how to use this new format for more effective business communication. We […]

Build an effective strategy to grow your business

This webinar is practical, outcome driven, and designed to fit with the needs of small businesses in both B2C and B2B environments. It will help you develop a strategically led approach that can turbo charge business growth, identify the core growth strategy(ies) that are right for your business, and develop an action plan. We will […]

Photography for online business

During this webinar you will: Discover the basic ‘dos and don’ts’ of taking your own pictures, editing them and uploading them onto digital platforms. See some real-life examples of posts that demonstrate good, bad and indifferent use for businesses.

Movement to Ground

Stress, anxiety and overwhelm begin with our thoughts but show up as very real physical symptoms. Those physical symptoms then perpetuate the negative spin cycle of the brain response, and we can find ourselves wired, stressed and stuck. Movement and connecting with our body can help us ‘get out of our heads’ and break the […]

Instagram for business

Thinking about using Instagram to communicate with existing and potential customers? Want to showcase your products or services using it? During this webinar we will cover: Getting the setup right and benefitting from the available business tools. Best practice profiles, and some strategies to help your business stand out from the crowd. The types of […]

Breathe to Ease

Our breath is an integral tool in managing the stress response and supporting regulation of the nervous system, a super simple way to help you find calm, ease and space from the crazy demands of your day. In this session we’ll begin by being curious about our own breath and how it changes when we […]

e-Commerce with Shopify

Shopify is a powerful all-in-one e-Commerce website builder that makes setting up an online store simple and straightforward. In this webinar, we will explore Shopify’s features and pull together the building blocks for your first e-Commerce website. By the end of this webinar, you will be able to: Understand the essential features that a website […]

Dutch offshore wind – 2023 update

Join us online for a 40 minute update on the Dutch offshore wind industry. Find out about tenders, dates, new players and technology advances to get ready for 2023 & 2024.

Latest updates on the low cost visa routes

There are lots of low-cost visa routes under the UK's points-based system. Join TalentScotland for an update on affordable visa options, including the Graduate, High Potential Individual and Youth Mobility routes.

Build your brand and promotional graphics

This webinar will define what a brand is (and is not) and explain how it is more than just creating a logo. We will explore how a business can use their brand to show its identity, purpose, personality, message, and values in order to stand out from competitors, build a loyal customer base and make […]

The low-cost guide to marketing your business

When budgets are tight, it can be difficult to find the funds for marketing. This webinar will offer marketing tips and advice that you can then use across your business - without bursting the bank! We will look at: How marketing extends way beyond what most businesses consider it to be and how it provides […]

Mindfulness to Anchor

Often when we are caught in states of stress, overwhelm and anxious thoughts we can’t see anything but the cause of our panic. Mindfulness practices and meditation have the sole purpose of connecting us to the present moment. What that really means is we can be aware, even in the grips of a stress response, […]

How to improve your Google search rankings – Part 1: On page optimisation

Join us to look at how Google and other search engines decide the order in which they list their search results. We will show you how to maximise your chances of appearing towards the top of the search rankings, ensuring you understand what key words and phrases your potential customers are using when searching online, […]

Scale-Up Visa Routes: Latest Updates

The government has recently introduced the Scale-Up visa route, which gives certain employers another visa option to help access international talent. Join us to learn more about this new route and how it could help you access international talent.

Feel the fear and do it anyway – Creating a leadership legacy

In this interactive session, career and leadership experts Katy Morrison and Laurie Macpherson will support you to examine and design your own ideas around leadership. You will explore: The impact that you have as a leader currently How to design the legacy you would like to create for the future You will leave with practical […]

How to build a digital marketing plan

This webinar will guide you through the steps needed to create an effective digital marketing strategy, ensuring you focus on the right tactics to meet your business objectives and goals. We will cover: The importance of planning your digital marketing activities Building your plan around a simple framework Conducting a situational analysis (and understanding Customers […]

Mindful Movement

Gentle mindful movement to ease you into your day. Start your day connecting to your body and breath, paying attention to how you feel and what you need from the day. Morning movement stretches out the kinks and tension that settle in overnight, we can find space and ease in the body which eases the […]

How to write and develop your business plan

New and established businesses will require a business plan for getting a loan, grant or just to consider the direction they wish to go in. This webinar will teach you what you need to include and how. We will walk you through what should be included within a business plan, how a business plan is […]