
Find the right property for your business in Angus

The new Business Angus Property Search can help you find the right premises. The tailored search facility which is simple to use and free to access, returns units available from Business Angus as well as properties for lease or sale through commercial agents active in the area.

The Business Angus Property Search provides a single source of currently available premises in Angus powered by data from NovaLoca, one of the UK’s leading commercial property search listing services. Third sector organisations seeking tenants for surplus accommodation can also add their listings at no cost.

Business Angus is Angus Council’s Economic Development Service, here to support existing businesses and those looking to start up or relocate to Angus. In addition to a range of direct support and information available, we also manage a commercial property portfolio of over 100 units across five of the Angus towns, and have immediately available land for development.

We experience strong demand for Business Angus property, with the majority of our units under long leases to good tenants. Many are located in our Business Centres in Brechin, Montrose and Arbroath, where some have described themselves as a ‘business community’. There are offices, warehouses and industrial units which can provide cost effective property solutions for new start and small companies as well as established businesses, helping to secure local employment opportunities.

The team are happy to help you locate the right property for your business and look forward to hearing from you – call 01307 473223 or email

A selection of our current vacancies:

Unit 6 Brechin Business Centre, Southesk Street, Brechin

A first floor office within our popular Brechin Business Centre just off Southesk Street, close to the town centre with parking available.

Unit 6 &12 Montrose Business Centre, Broomfield Road, Montrose

A double unit with roller shutter access on the ground floor of the Montrose Business Centre at Broomfield Road with external yard and parking space.

Arbroath Business Centre, Dens Road, Arbroath

A variety of units to choose from on the ground and first floors of Arbroath Business Centre, with on-site parking and a gated entrance.

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