
Matthew, 24, Thrilled to be His Own Boss

Five years ago, Matthew Nicoll was working in a crisp factory when a chance encounter with a fire alarm engineer put him on the path to running his own business.

At just 24, he set up Access Point Fire and Security and is revelling being his own boss so young.

His firm installs fire alarm systems, CCTV and burglar alarms for personal and professional customers across Tayside and Fife.

And the former Carnoustie High School pupil is encouraging more young people to take the risk and stride out for themselves, if they are feeling motivated enough.

Matthew admits going it alone seemed daunting at first.  But getting to decide working patterns and keep his earnings mostly for himself, Matthew says being self-employed is just the ticket.

“I’m glad to be doing this work and I’m very glad I’ve chosen this path because it has been very rewarding,” he said.

“I’m very excited to see what the future holds for Access Point.

“Getting into the industry was a bit of a fluke, to be honest.

“I worked at a crisp manufacturer.  The alarm guy came in and I got chatting away to him.  And before I knew it, I was working with his company a few weeks later.

“Setting off on my own, it was a massive culture shock.

“Now I’m making money for myself rather than paying somebody else’s bills and making money for somebody else.

“And I never really pictured myself installing alarms and security when I was younger, but I’m so glad I’ve chosen this path.

“I can see my future being quite bright, to be honest.”

In the near future, Matthew said he hoped to take on employees, adding the work is piling up.

And his focus on customer service, and working on a one-to-one basis with clients, he adds, will hopefully keep customers coming back again and again.

This article appeared in The Courier on 22 May 2024.

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