
NE Fisheries Local Action Group Sees Arbroath Investment at First Hand

Members of the North East Fisheries Local Action Group (NESFLAG) enjoyed a tour of three funded projects at Arbroath.

Arbroath has received European Maritime Fisheries Funds in excess of £100,000 for Outer Harbour Pontoons (£54,165) and a new Cold Room (£10, 314) at the harbour, as well as for a new exhibition “Spotlight on Arbroath’s Fishing Heritage at ANGUSalive’s Signal Tower Museum (£39,829).

The construction of a large marina at Arbroath Harbour has proved to be a very popular success, attracting yachts and other leisure craft to the town. Until now, the outer basin has been used primarily by commercial vessels, including small fishing boats.

But with the creation of a new pontoon, there is an increase in the number of available berths which, depending on the size of vessels, can accommodate between seven and 16 boats in the outer harbour. The intention is to attract and support tourist boats and visiting yachts, as well as increasing the provision for inshore fishermen. The project also enhances public safety at the harbour.

In a project developed by the local Fisherman’s Association and Angus Council, part of the old fish market at the council-owned harbour has been converted into a Cold Room where landings can be stored.

Previously the fishermen, including the inshore creel fleet of about 25 boats, found their operations curtailed by the lack of refrigerated storage at the harbour. This has changed with the introduction of the new Cold Room, which is owned and maintained by Angus Council but is available for use by all harbour users. The Cold Room improves flexibility for collections by fish merchants and also makes Arbroath more attractive as a base for mackerel fishing.

The addition of a permanent fishing and maritime heritage exhibition to the Signal Tower Museum, which sits close to the harbour and is operated by ANGUSalive, is a great boost to the town’s heritage attractions.

The interiors of the two existing gatehouses, which form part of the Category A listed building, have been remodelled to create modern, new permanent and temporary exhibition spaces, with displays and interpretation installed to tell the fascinating story of Arbroath’s long-standing connection with fishing and the sea.

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