NHS Tayside Work Experience Course Leads to Care Jobs
More than 130 people were given new opportunities in the workplace thanks to the NHS.
NHS Tayside’s employability services programme provides work experience opportunities, education and training for people who may not have considered care as a career.
It aims to help people improve their employment prospects and begin careers in the health and care industry.
One of the programme’s successes is Karl Boeckeler, who is now working as a health care assistant with NHS Tayside’s nurse bank.
Karl said: “When I was in my twenties, I really wanted a career where I could help people, but I didn’t know where to look, and life goes on, so I got a job in engineering at RAF Leuchars.”
After being informed of the opportunities with the course, Karl was keen to get involved.
He said: “Being part of a team that delivers care meant so much and all the placement staff were so helpful. All the work we did on the course was priceless and has allowed me to move into a care job.”
Munwar Hussain, chairman of NHS Tayside Employability Services steering group, said: “I have been fortunate to see how the employability services programmes make a real difference to lives.
“By offering opportunities for individuals to gain experience from structured placements, it can provide routes back to employment and qualifications that allow individuals to meet their employability goals.”
You can read more from The Evening Telegraph online.