
Tay Cities Working Together to Support Business

Partners engaged in the Tay Cities Deal are working in partnership to deliver a region-wide Tay Cities Business Week highlighting the assistance available to help business thrive. The Tay Cities Partners including, Angus Council, Dundee City Council, Fife Council, and Perth & Kinross Council have come together to manage a comprehensive programme of events and workshops beginning 18 February 2019.

The local authorities have all delivered their own Business Weeks/Months in previous years, with Angus Business Week first running in 2014 and have found them to be an effective way of focusing and showcasing the support available for businesses in their regions.

Angus Council’s Economic Development spokesperson, Cllr Ron Sturrock explained, “The Tay Cities Deal and the agreement between local authorities and partners to work together more actively, has provided us with this opportunity to deliver a focused business week, highlighting the assistance available to our businesses to help them thrive and grow no matter where they are located in the region.

One of the key events being hosted in Angus by the Tayside Engineering Network is the SSE Offshore Renewable Supply Chain networking event. Nik Scott-Gray, Chief Executive of Montrose Port Authority stated, “I’m delighted to be given the opportunity, through Tay Cities Business Week and the Tayside Engineering Network event, to give an update to ongoing developments at the port. This event will allow us to come together and discuss the major offshore renewable sector opportunities for businesses across the Tay Cities area”.

The Tay Cities Business Week programme covers a range of business issues from entrepreneurship, to e-commerce, social media and start-up advice, with something for all business sectors. Local businesses and organisations are invited to add their business event to the programme, expanding the programme and reflecting the wide range of advice available. Other key events in Angus include the Google Garage Digital Workshop on Wed 20 Feb and the Angus Business Connections Networking Huddle on Tues 19 Feb.

Tay Cities Business Week aims to reach a wide audience across the Tay Cities area, encompassing Angus, Dundee, Fife, and Perth and Kinross, with an events programme that includes something for everyone. Tay Cities Business Week will welcome attendees at an early start-up stage through to long-established companies.

For more information on the full programme of events and to register your place at any of the events visit the Tay Cities Business Week website.

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