The Mercury Programme

Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP)

In response to the Scottish Government’s declared climate emergency, Angus Council proposed the development of a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP). This proposal was subsequently agreed and approved by Angus Council in October 2019.

The purpose of the SECAP is to support Angus in its commitment to sustainable development, environmental management and the transition to a low-carbon economy. The plan will provide a roadmap, demonstrating how Angus can meet its climate commitments and support the ambitions of the Mercury Programme.

The SECAP focuses on:

  • measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • adaptation actions in response to the impact of climate change
  • measures to help provide sustainable, affordable and secure access to energy

The plan applies to the entire region of Angus, but it is currently driven by actions from Angus Council and key public sector partners. As a major employer, landowner, energy consumer, and authority responsible for planning, transport, and waste policy, Angus Council has significant influence over a large percentage of the region’s carbon footprint. 

The SECAP is a flexible document. As the plan develops, the intention is to include more stakeholders and partners, including Angus-based businesses.