
Transport Scotland eBike Grant Fund – Round 1 Opens 22 June!

Transport Scotland eBike Grant Fund – Round 1 Opens 22 June!

£700,000 of grant funding for local authorities, public sector agencies, colleges and universities to take the lead on the large-scale adoption of ebikes.

“We encourage applications that will achieve this through the creation of bike pools of pedal-assisted electric bikes to support sustainable and active business travel as an alternative to car use, and to support the reduction of business travel costs, with the grant covering the costs of ebikes/ecargo bikes and associated safety equipment.”

Transport Scotland will also provide £100k of grant funding through the Home Energy Scotland advice centres to support trials of bikes via Scotland’s active travel hubs, local bike libraries and community organisations to promote the use of ebikes and, where possible, adaptive bikes and trailers and non-electric cargo bikes to support cycling for all ages and abilities. Energy Saving Trust will work with grant recipients to create and showcase exemplar ebike projects demonstrating the benefits of ebikes, helping to popularise their uptake as an alternative to car use.

Enquiries: 0131 555 7920 to speak to a member of the Transport team.

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