V&A Dundee Boosts Local Economy
V&A Dundee had a £75 million economic impact across Scotland in its first year after opening, according to new independent research.
The study found that visitors to the museum were worth £21 million to the Dundee economy and £75 million to the overall Scottish economy in the 12 months from 15 September 2018, when the new design museum first opened its doors.
This far exceeds the predicted impacts of £10 million in Dundee and £23 million across Scotland, boosted both by a significant increase in visitor numbers – 833,015 compared to a predicted 500,000 – and a higher proportion of overseas visitors on longer trips around Scotland.
The independent study, conducted by Ekosgen and Reference Economic Consultants and commissioned by V&A Dundee, also found that the museum supported the equivalent of 696 jobs in Dundee and 2,143 across Scotland. An estimated additional 370 jobs have been created in Dundee by the museum opening.
In addition, the construction of Kengo Kuma’s ground-breaking building had a further economic impact of £70 million across Scotland, helping to support 7,037 jobs.