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Mastering Sustainability Messaging: How to engage ‘Persuadables’ on Climate

29 November 2023, 10:30 am - 11:30 am

Do you struggle to find the words to craft clear and compelling comms on climate?

Keen to engage new audiences with your sustainability messaging and grow your market share?

Following the landmark report ‘Beyond the Climate Bubble’, new research by Media Bounty investigates the language, cultural context, values and norms of Persuadable communities.

We’ll be sharing actionable guidance on developing simpler, sharper climate-related messages to engage these audiences with your brand.

Who are ‘The Persuadables’?

These are the 69% of the UK that climate-related comms currently fails to reach.

In the UK, roughly 14% of people are already very engaged in climate issues. 17% are not – and won’t be convinced otherwise.

‘The Persuadables’ are the remaining 69%. This group believes climate change is happening, but right now they’re not too engaged.

Unlocking their underlying support for climate issues presents an opportunity for brands to engage an untapped audience with sustainable products – making reaching this group the key to growth for ethical brands.

Media Bounty is on a mission to improve the effectiveness of climate-related comms to this group, to deliver brand growth and drive action on climate.