Low Carbon

Angus Rural Mobility Hub - Public Consultation

The Mercury Programme (Low Carbon) Logo

Before submitting a planning application for the Angus Rural Mobility Hub, Angus Council and Dalhousie Estates will set out the ambition for the project and provide the public with the opportunity to shape the plans during the pre-planning consultation phase of the project.

There will be another opportunity to input into the pre planning consultation processing in early summer 2023. The date of this will be updated here shortly.

Our over-riding aim is that the Angus Rural Mobility Hub is planned and developed in partnership with the community so that the ambition is realised for the benefit of Angus and the rural communities of the Glens and Brechin.

The Angus Rural Mobility Hub is being progressed through a partnership between Angus Council and Dalhousie Estates, a rural enterprise based in Brechin.

The location of the planned hub is land between Brechin Castle Garden Centre and Brechin Business Park. This is 40 acres of land, zoned in the Angus Local Development Plan for commercial and industrial use.

The ambition is to design, deliver and operate uses on the site that can enable Angus, and in particular Brechin and rural communities, to decarbonise transport and energy through activities that enable local skills and training opportunities, create jobs and improve affordability and access to services.

As a public infrastructure and transport project, the Angus Rural Mobility Hub has been allocated £5.9m of capital funds, a combination of Tay Cities Region Deal (£2.9m) and Angus Council’s Mercury Programme Fund (£3m).

Map showing location of Angus Rural Mobility Hub Site, Brechin

Angus Rural Mobility Hub site

Funding Partners

Angus Council Logo
Tay Cities Logo
Funded by UK Gov-Scotland stacked-01 1
Dalhousie Estates logo

Angus Council and Dalhousie Estates have signed a Memorandum of Understanding, entering into an agreement to work together to develop a clean growth business park, with supporting infrastructure, in Brechin, Angus.

Angus Council’s ambition, along with the private sector, is to deliver an Angus Rural Mobility Hub, within a regional business park to provide the infrastructure, services and skills programme needed to enable the Tay region’s transition to a low carbon, inclusive economy through a range of smart mobility and energy services.  

Angus Rural Mobility Hub has the potential to deliver a step change in clean transport infrastructure on the national trunk road network and in doing so, create skills and new career opportunities within Angus and the Tay Region.